Thursday, December 29, 2016

Way to heaven

You start with your body
create a paradise
an orgasm in every cell
then go up your brain
the spiritual world so great
great, oh master
make me god
make me full
oh, universe....

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Mix Up your Belly

Your Belly
Your Kettle
To Pour Your Own
to make you
free happy
and forget your troubles
be happy in the now!


Find a Way
To Go Along
Thinking Nothing
Thinking Plain

Find A Way
To Find Your Way
to your goal
to your interest

So simple
This Life to be
No need for trouble
No need to wane

Feel deep love
deep inside
for love, happiness
and your self

And never forget
the ultimate goal
you are OK
so just be and play

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Feel it

From your Center

The endless power

to be


and nowhere else

to be

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Greed and Sex

Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516)

We see it everywhere

We feel it deep inside

Letting it out

Will destroy everyone

Keeping it in

Will Too

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Feel The Heat

Now Go into your DREAM and feel your visions, feel-feeling into you, way go down there, where time stands still, no now or never, be in the air, swimming from coast to coast, without feeling ill, now brush aside, this feeling inside, feel now the heat, immmmensely great. Feel the heat.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Beating the Enemy

Robert De Nero as Lucifer in the masterpiece "Angel Heart"

The Anger I feel inside
Grows stronger and stronger
the Power to beat
overpower and destroy
any negativity
and transform
into pure goodness

Friday, September 16, 2016

No right and no wrong

People understand me

People love me

I know it

I love it

My tears are dried up

Never coming back

Let me back into your life

And fill me up with warmth

So loving

So loved

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Being Your Self

Imagine a Self

Totally Your Own

Not influenced by anything

Not influenced by you

It just is .......

.... this thing called "You"

So let it be

let your Self be you

Image by Alex Grey


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Go Get Your Cake

The Cake Eaters (2007)

Think a bit nicer
looking straight ahead
and go get your cake
along the way

Dänk s bizzeli schööner
dänn voll graduus
und schnapp dr diin chueche
uf em wääg


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Truth Full

 I like this life

Full of Surprises

Full of people

I don't care about

Because I have Me

To play around

Enjoying my show

Full of Surprises

Full of Joy

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Decisive Decisions

 Interstellar (2014)

Be aware

of all the millions

of crossroads

for you

to take 

and make

a difference

every day

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Total Relaxation

Total Relaxation

The World stopping here

I am in my heaven

No need to worry anymore

Crisp feelings,


O how I missed them all

The World is my oyster

Enjoying every bite

No need to worry

Sleep sound my child

Tomorrow is fair weather

The healing so high

No need to worry

No need to fly

Stick to your play

Enjoy this life

With me or alone

The life

your own


Take in
Open up
Stay opened

You are a sponge


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Focusing on Focusing

Be There
Where your Focus is

No negativity
confounding your Focus

A new modus operandi

A new modus operandi


all is gone
to start again

Monday, August 15, 2016

Connecting Connecting

Be aware

Of All Possibilities

Have no Fear

You won't be killed

Only hurt or loved

The Game is never over

Only you decide

Friday, July 22, 2016

My Truth

Call me crazy
But I'm not doing

anything illegal

by Telling

my Truth


Wednesday, July 20, 2016



The Miss-ing Link

The Hole

Through Where

You'll See

The Truth

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Your Self-Image

Your Self-Image

It's only Your Self-Image

Don't Let it Be Destroyed

By Others

Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Guru Place

Find your guru in you

Find your guru in you

Stay with you

Be with you

Find your guru in you

Friday, May 20, 2016

Goodbye, my sweet

Hello Goodbye

my lovely child

it has been short

but lovely

still the same

to have some time 

with you

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

My Perfect Smiling Nature

Feel it now

The Beauty under you

Over you

Around You

Smell it in

The Power

The Taste

Sync in

into the rhythm

Can feel

so good

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Dance on Thin Ice

Turn your Eyes

To the Center

Step by Step

Towards your Goal

Your Wish

Your Task

To free the World

With You We Start

Friday, May 13, 2016

Losing Your Self

Let it all out

Let it all go

No yesterday

No Tomorrow

Just Now

Precious Now

With Myself

Losing Myself

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Feel the Heat

Deep down

we all have it

the feeling

so great

to feel






Saturday, May 7, 2016

Feel Happiness

Feel Happiness

Feel Love
Feel Happiness

Feel Love
Feel Happiness

Feel Love
Feel Happiness

Feel Love
Feel Happiness

Feel Love
Feel Happiness

Feel Love

Monday, May 2, 2016

Feel The Music

Dance Dance Dance

Your Way into Eternity

The Only Way to Paradise

of Your Being

Let all Tensions dissolve

All insecurities

Fall Away

Far Away

Into Never-Never-Land

And go deep, deeper into

Your Self

Our Selves

Our Everything 


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Magical Playground

Meet Me

At Our Magical


Where Rules Are


And Joy Is


To Share


And Explore

The World

Our World

So Great and True


Wednesday, April 27, 2016


of freedom
from Internet,
and hell

Be in the music
forgotten the words
that no one fully

go into nature
find peace in Nature
Weather and Son
and the Beautiful Girls 
waiting to
being Touched
Stay Strong

Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Joy Of Flying

Now listen to me

I know the way

To Fly


Fly away

To sit down and be

what ever you want to be

so keep


dream  for me

for you

Saturday, April 16, 2016




I am genius

We are genius

Human Kind is GENIUS

I am genius

We are genius

Human Kind is GENIUS

I am genius

We are genius

Human Kind is GENIUS

I am genius

We are genius

Human Kind is GENIUS

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

All is All Right

Fail Fail Fail !

And Fall into Nothingness

Where everything is



all right


Monday, April 11, 2016

Trance Technique

Hear the Voices
inside and out
Listen .... Listen
Feel .... Feel
Flow .... Flow
Breathe in .... and out

Hear the Voices
inside and out
Listen .... Listen
Feel .... Feel
Flow .... Flow
Breathe in .... and out

Hear the Voices
inside and out
Listen .... Listen
Feel .... Feel
Flow .... Flow
Breathe in .... and out

Feel your Judgement

Feel your Judgement
Feel your Feel-d

The World is Open
The World is Free

Direct your Attention

Touch your Attractions

Go deeper into you
                     and into the world

Lose yourself
to find your Self

Monday, April 4, 2016

Pure Creative Chaos

Pure Creative Chaos

The World is Mine

To Do What Ever

I Want

But Not A-Lone

It's Too Forlorn

To See the World

With Only 2 Eyes

So let's Join Hands

Create A Party For All

And Move Up-Down

The World So Free

Monday, March 28, 2016

Laugh about your Flaws

                 Go nuts
and make many mistakes
you'll always get another take
to take the world
YOUR world
and play again with it
without fear
of creating

so just go around
enjoy the play

Monday, March 21, 2016

Love Your Life

in-ternalize it
eternal-ize it
make me whole again
warm again
cuddle me up
into your womb
my living tomb
like a pharaoh
lying there
in his sarcophagus
for ever
and ever
living his perfect life
for ever

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

I'm not the master of the universe

I thought I knew everything
I thought I could control anything
I thought I could heal anything
I thought I will survive anyone

But I was wrong
I was dead wrong

Death is a reality for everything
Buddha knew it, Jesus slowly had to face it

Death is a Part of Life
Life is Part of Death

What am I trying to say?
Enjoy Life, while it last.


Saturday, March 12, 2016


And Now
and Now
The End is Near
For Now it's Here
The Momentum

Stick to Your Friends
 Your Body & Soul 
Full of Heart
Full of Joy

Please Your Passions
Never think of Others
You  Me  First
then All the Others

Because You Are EGO
EGO is Good
Your Ego is KIND
Your Ego
Makes My Mind

Into who it is
who it wants to be

But think also
of your child , your future, your legacy

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Vibrating Emptiness

Where are you?
Where do you go?

There is no place
There is no Space
Like Time
This room is fake

So go deep down
Into your real space
Your real self
and open your eyes
Your eyes of truth


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

We Need Weed

The Weed we need around the world,
to relax, cool down our sorrow and pain, 
so enjoy life again, make inhaling your friend, then bond with all people, nature and self.

PETER TOSH - Legalize It (1975)

Legalize it, don't criticize,
Legalize it yea-ah, yea-ah,
I will advertise it

Some call it tampee,
Some call it the weed,
Some call it marijuana,
Some of them call it ganja,
Never mind.


Singers smoke it,
And players of instrument, too
Legalize it, yea-ha, yea-ah
That's the best thing you can do

Doctors smoke it,
Nurses smoke it,
Judges smoke it,
Even my lawyers, too
So you've got to


It's good for the flu
Good for asthma,
Good for tuberculosis,
And it even cures glaucoma
So you better...

...Legalize it, don't criticize (it),
Make it free for I smoke it
Don't want to be abused for it
In this year time

Birds eat it,
Ants love it,
Fowls eat it,
Even the Goats love to play around it
So you've gottta


Monday, February 22, 2016

Be Still

Sleep Softly

Dream Past 

Your Fears

The World

Is Open

The World

Is Free

To Pick Up

What ever 

You Want

And Need

So Sleep Well

My Friend

The World

Your Friend