Monday, March 28, 2016

Laugh about your Flaws

                 Go nuts
and make many mistakes
you'll always get another take
to take the world
YOUR world
and play again with it
without fear
of creating

so just go around
enjoy the play

Monday, March 21, 2016

Love Your Life

in-ternalize it
eternal-ize it
make me whole again
warm again
cuddle me up
into your womb
my living tomb
like a pharaoh
lying there
in his sarcophagus
for ever
and ever
living his perfect life
for ever

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

I'm not the master of the universe

I thought I knew everything
I thought I could control anything
I thought I could heal anything
I thought I will survive anyone

But I was wrong
I was dead wrong

Death is a reality for everything
Buddha knew it, Jesus slowly had to face it

Death is a Part of Life
Life is Part of Death

What am I trying to say?
Enjoy Life, while it last.


Saturday, March 12, 2016


And Now
and Now
The End is Near
For Now it's Here
The Momentum

Stick to Your Friends
 Your Body & Soul 
Full of Heart
Full of Joy

Please Your Passions
Never think of Others
You  Me  First
then All the Others

Because You Are EGO
EGO is Good
Your Ego is KIND
Your Ego
Makes My Mind

Into who it is
who it wants to be

But think also
of your child , your future, your legacy

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Vibrating Emptiness

Where are you?
Where do you go?

There is no place
There is no Space
Like Time
This room is fake

So go deep down
Into your real space
Your real self
and open your eyes
Your eyes of truth