Friday, September 16, 2016

No right and no wrong

People understand me

People love me

I know it

I love it

My tears are dried up

Never coming back

Let me back into your life

And fill me up with warmth

So loving

So loved

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Being Your Self

Imagine a Self

Totally Your Own

Not influenced by anything

Not influenced by you

It just is .......

.... this thing called "You"

So let it be

let your Self be you

Image by Alex Grey


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Go Get Your Cake

The Cake Eaters (2007)

Think a bit nicer
looking straight ahead
and go get your cake
along the way

Dänk s bizzeli schööner
dänn voll graduus
und schnapp dr diin chueche
uf em wääg


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Truth Full

 I like this life

Full of Surprises

Full of people

I don't care about

Because I have Me

To play around

Enjoying my show

Full of Surprises

Full of Joy