Monday, December 24, 2018

To Kiss Your Day "Good Day!"

Meet Me in Paradise

I've been waiting For Ever

Be Nice and Kind

I'll return all favors

Sweet Kisses and Hugs

Smell Me Deep Inside

I'll Give My Every Thing

Then Dissolve

Into happy 


Friday, December 21, 2018

The Internet Illusion

For all those who have rejected me...

Find Peace

In your Heart

Your World is Short

Be Kind

To Your Self

And Never



Thursday, December 6, 2018

I Need Nothing

Finding My Soul

In my Written Story

The Channel I Choose

Is the View I'll Have

I Will Encounter

The Right One

On the Left Side

But In Reality

It's All The Same

Just Be & Sleep

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sense your Senses

The Only Thing That's Real

Scan your World

With Senses

All That you Can Find

Eye, Mouth and Nose

Skin, Fingers and Toes

Now Listen close Your Eyes

Let your World come In

It is how it is


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Who I could Be

who could I be

what could I learn

who could I help

what could I reach





Sunday, January 28, 2018

Heal the World

It's all in your head

It's all in your head

Don't trust your eyes

You already know

The Truth you've always known

but forgot just for a moment

or eternity

The Moment so long

The bliss forever