Wednesday, May 29, 2019


The Weather -

Nasty or warm -

will follow you -

until you decide -

to BE the weather -

the storm -

the sunshine -

the starry night

The Starry Night -Vincent van Gogh-  1889  

Monday, May 20, 2019

Dead Fish Media

We used to sell papers

Now we crave clicks

With Baits and Scandals

Fake or Real

Who gives a Damn?

The Headline is breaking

No need to click

Friday, May 17, 2019

Reach the Peak

Reach the Peak

Meet the Sun

The World is getting Hotter

I feel so good

Ready to Fly

Above the World so High

Nothing can kill me

All is good

I love my Sun, my God

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Forget Pain

You Used to have Pain

Now Remain

In Your Center

ReViVe your Origin

Your Strength

Your Force




Now Play