Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Be Strong

There will be conflict
There will be strife
Just be yourself
And relax
And relax

Enjoy the silence
Enjoy the peace
Serve the ones you love
And ignore 
the cranky one

Immer wieder Konflikte 
Immer wieder Streit
Sei einfach Du Selbst
Und entspann dich
Entspann dich

Geniess die Ruhe
Geniess den Frieden
Diene deinen Liebsten
Und ignoriere
den Miesepeter




Monday, December 28, 2015

WORRY NOT (by William Putnam)

Don't worry, friend, 'tis useless so,
No good can come of it,
E'en though you fret the whole day through,
You can't change things a bit.

The one true source of help, dear friend,
To aid your troubled heart,
Is prayer with God, your heavenly King,
From whom you ne'er must part

If some folks say that it's absurd
To trust your God divine,
Just keep your faith, and smile, and say,
"Come, know this Friend of mine."

For if you really know His love
And never-failing care,
You'll say He lives within your heart,
His grace you'll always share.

Locked Inside My Head

What's happening?

Please Stop (please go along)

I can't control (yes I can)

the demons (no! caricatures!

Please leave me alone

(no, just wake me up or destroy my fear)

Now I REalize the fake thoughts

the fake fear

the illusions

I'm REaler than these here

Just come back to your center

and everything is all right!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Be Slow

Be slow to judge
Be slow to win
Destiny's on your side

Be all you can
just take your time
Your time is up when there

So just take it easy
Just relax and be free
The Happiness from Within

Saturday, December 26, 2015

All Will Be All Right

Nothing to worry

Nothing to fear

the world will go on

your body heal itself

with, or without you

so just be quiet

and listen and wait

the grass is growing

the flowers blooming up

the world is real

your paradise right here!

I dream, I live

I dream

Therefore I live

I want

therefore I ache

I hate

therefore I suffer

I'm sad


I'm sad, still sad

I smoke


I am, again.


Life Flows By

 - What are we looking for?

- Something ... do you know what?

- Excitement?

- Adventure!

- Joy!  

- No, Fun is enough.

- Where shall we find that?

- Any suggestions?

- In our minds!

- Forget that! Only illusions in there.

- And how about get married, have kids, etc. ?

- Didn't your parents get divorced?

- No. but I think, they didn't enjoy life.

- So what shall we do?

- Just wait and have fun.

- How?

- Aren't you having fun?

- No.

- Me neither.

- O my! I think I can't stand this anymore.

- Come on! Life isn't that hard.

- Yes, it is!

- No, it isn't.

- Now let's stop this bull shit!

- I wanna have fun. Now!

- So have fun!

- How?

- Make yourself laugh!

- How?

- What makes you laugh?

-  I don't know. Ah, wait. There is this stupid, immoral, sadistic MTV-show called "Ridiculousness". I'm a little ashamed, but I have to laugh sometimes...quite often...

- That's a start!

Monday, December 21, 2015


Be Careless

Be headless

Be yourself

Be what you are

and follow your way

into the underworld

dark temptations

poison and bliss

the world to conquer

the world to love

let them love you

and be a god

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Lust Full Talking

Come Near

And talk with me

open up

every thing

tell me 

every thing

I want to know

Every thing

See my thoughts

all of them

we'll be naked

all exposed

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Dance is Bliss

To Dance

To Feel

Your Body


Oh Orgasm Infinite

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Your Own Lab

Play with your Mind

Play with your Body

Fill It Up

With Wisdom and Insight

Feeling and Believing

Your World

Is MaDE uP

by Your Self


The Kiss

There is no way back

No way home

Just move along

into our dream world

dreaming along

nothing more simple

nothing more real

oh these emotions


over and over

and over and over

I'm so high and happy

let me be yours

And you be mine


in all ages

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

2016 - A Year of True Joy

The Greater Year 


The Mind All Set

To Welcome


To Welcome 


To Welcome



The Past


De-pressing the Origins of De-pression

Can't Cope with this shitty job

Can't Cope with useless Stress

Can't Cope with Bullshit

Now I'm De-pressed


Leave Your shitty Job

Find a Good new One

without stress & bullshit



Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Infatuation Religion

First you see her

Oh so beautiful

Next Thing

Can't get her out of your mind

Long nights Longing

Never End

And so sweet

those butterflies

dancing around

make me whole

make me real

make me love





The Will to Meditate

Know thyself

Know the unknown self

Know the unknown other

Now take a deep breath

And concentrate on love

What do you love?

What do you want to love?

Love it at least 1 Minute

Every day

Every day

A Spirit Captured in the World of Flesh

Nothing to Worry

Nothing to Complain

Just know the truth

You are spirit

You are free

You are undead

You are eternal

You are you

no matter what you do

Just be you

Good Bye Illusion

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Let her go

Let her go

Let her go

Let her go

Let her go

Let her go

Let her go

Let them go

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Dipping into Ecstasy

Go closer and closer 

touching me softly

Smelling you sweetly

Rubbing us slowly

Feeling the curves

Smooth and Soft

Tasting the Lips

Tongues Intermingling

Forgetting Our Selves

Dipping Into Ecstasy

The Supra-Sense

First the Sub-Stance

Then up down to the different worlds

The different channels

The myriad be-ings

hiding between the cracks of superficial visuality

Find them here and there

no need to worry or fear

they are there

we are here, but also there

locality and time dissolving around


feeling great

feeling good

all things are great

no exaggeration

so where do we go from here

nowhere or anywhere

back to our mother

dear madonna

feel me up

give me life

give me joy

like a prayer

so hot and wild

I love you insanely

forever and ever

so sing with me

this cold night away

Self-Generating Joy

I need no one

to do this

Too simple to believe

But it's true

"You Control Your Happiness"

So go inside

To your Zero-Point

Then Re-Invent Your Happy-Self



Friday, December 11, 2015

No Control

Just let you fall

Fall Fall Fall, down the hole, down to you

Just let your self fall

Fall to me, fall to you, fall to us, the world and me

Fall into that world, between worlds

The hidden real world

no limits no end

to find your self

Self-serving Self

Into that me, I me

Find it out, find it out

Say it again, say it again

Find me, myself and I, I, I

Don't go there, nothing there

Find me, me, me,

Nothing there, nothing there, nothing there....

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The New Focus

The New Focus leads to the new world. You go into that realm that never ends, never vanishes, never goes. Go-Go into that new world, full of promises, joy and paradise. Paradise is a state of mind, not a place. Go dead with your old self, enter your new being, a being of this multi-multi-verse.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015



                      Remember Me

Remember It

                      Forget Me

Forget It

This is You

This is Not You

This is It

No Body

But You

No Nothing

Is Nothing Too

No Every Thing

Is Every Thing Too

Two Make One

And One Make Two

Nothing is real

Remember and Feel


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Life is simple

Life is easy

Life is slow

Life is great

Life is so





simply great

so simple



Are you kidding me

This Life

This Pain


Are you shitting me

Just Stop

Just Stop


Don't you mess with me!

I'll punch

I'll punch


Let's be friends again



I take Mine, You take Yours

There is no problem

Things are the way they are

There is

No problem

You pretty fairy tale

You great roller ride

You awesome experience

You fine one night stand

Let me go

Let Us go

Into a Uni-Verse

Full of Verses, Love and Peace.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Rest Peace-Fully

The Year almost over

The Turbulence flown by

So now just rest

Take another hot bath

And sink into your cosy world

To listen to your lullaby

Your inner voice

Leading you to paradise

Never lost

Always there


But always within reach

So go

Into warm darkness

And become a STAR

Saturday, December 5, 2015

A Hard Good Bye

We spent so much fun time together

And Now it's gone

What's gone?

The Time's gone

to celebrate

to party

to fool around

Now Let's get down to business

Serious Shit

Know myself
Know the others
Know the future
It all comes back
What you give


Friday, December 4, 2015

The Background of Every Thing (Background Noise)

Just hear

All Around You

The Sounds

The People

The Noise

The Silence

All Is Silence

You Are Silence

Fade Out

Let it In

The Reality

The Laugh

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Big Brother is Back

Just Relax

Nothing to Worry

I'm just watching 


You and every one else

So forget me

I'm just watching

A curious Voyeur

Knowing all

Testing all

  Controlling all 

Monday, August 24, 2015

An Empty Page

A Fresh beginning

the Page is turned

The way is open

the Feeling right Here

The Party to begin

the People streaming in

Everyone Happy

Life is Great

I love myself
everybody else