Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Tunnel Vision

Just Look Forward

Nothing Can Stop You

You Just Walk Unafraid

Keep Going

Keep Going

Until You Reach the Climax

Then Enjoy the VIEW


Pre-Meditate, Pre-Envision your Now
Your Truest Wishes
It's All
Never believe the others

You are almost There
Just need to grasp at 
the Right Moment
Stay Steady,Ready
The Dreams
to Visit
and YOU! just
make them 

The Scent that Makes you ...

The bitter sweet taste around our nose

Clinging to our tongue

going down our groin

filling our true bodies

warming up our hearts

into a frenzy of love-craze

bubbling up into a higher world

nothing but everything happens

The Sensuousness of the Knee

The many hidden points to see

let me go into your world

never to be seen again ...

Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Chakra Elevator

We are rooted in our lowest circle

Slowly up the digestive system

up into all the thin thick tunnels

electrifying all other supportive organs

then Heart o Heart

so beautiful my eMotions

open up my flower of light

crystallize into my throat 

to pull me up around my face

to feel my only eyebrow bridge

then one more floor

and you reached:

Welcome to our Universe ".

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The True Ecstasy of Dancing

ONLY WATCH THe PIC this time. It's ENOUGH.

Breaking the Ideas

win every thing

around you

have no fear

to copy or leave

just play around

with your world

your home

your body

your mind

then the universe

mind matter divinity

back to our selves

never changing

forever changing

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Mood Mantra

It's all there

You feel it 

deep down

no need to hurry

no need to strain

just wait and see

see it all through

through and through

and through and through

until you reach that 

pitch black hole

your warm whole

your origin

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Full-filling my own Prophecy

Never think negativity

accidents torture or pain

feel warmth and tenderness

Life is beauti-full, brave and sad

but all-ways ending happily

my own little fairy world

How it FEELS like to have an epiphany, little Tiffani

Hi Tif

All Clear?


Well we are now in A WEIRD WORLD.

Feel it all

in your groin

in your world

mixed up with universe and multiverse

this verse

damn, can't go on

getting tired

but still holding on

rapping papping 

can't keep up the speed

can't eat it all a-up

Yes you can

with your humongous appetite !


"Hello my friend!

How are you doing?

Nice to see you.

You are a human robot like me.

I am friendly.

Let's f&%"""++k."

A Prayer For Pleasure !

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Monday, June 22, 2015

The Observer

Always there

But barely noticeable

Seeing everything

without judging

just being


not really here

but       always



Learning How to Play

Every Word Counts

Every Feeling

Loads it Up

Every Intention

Every Positivity
make it

The Art of Smoking

The Smoke
so hot
goes into
fill me
my lungs
my throat

heal me
plant spirit 

but never cause me 

So please be nice


I need you
otherwise I won't
make it
You are my
my everything
but I'll make it
without you

...and it really feels good again!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

My Mees

Me Nr. 1
Me Nr. 2
Me Nr. 3
telling the truth:

That all Mees
are just an ILLUSION.
Me is just an illusion.

The State of Electricity

electric feeling
in my brain

Saturday, June 20, 2015



Close your eyes

go deep

into your Self

sink into
your vast Self

into nothingness
Loch Ness

and stay as long
as you
want to

the never end


Knowing the Future

Your World
Believe in
each detail

Seeing Reality

Seeing Reality

Seeing the Naked Truth

Energy FulFilled

Flies swirling

never finding my place

always searching

moving along

waking up 

in-to another dream

tension in the air


falling falling falling

resting all a-long

Thursday, June 18, 2015

A Poet And Don't Know It

di di du dadaaaa
A Poet and Don't Know It
bi bi du da daaaaa
A Poet and Don't Know It
Titi tu ta taaaa
A Poet and Don't Know It
ti ti tu ta taaaa

(it's so melodic)

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wave Lengths between Contradicting Poles

hot cold
near far
all relative
all coupled
never totally fusing
all ways dancing around
around and a round
going on forever
now in "real life"
but in reality
just a dream

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Plastic Cloud

The Blind Structures of Nothingness

While Jumping Into MADNESS

Trees disintegrate

pushed      pulled      crushed

goodbye,      my   self

   hello,     this    chaos

Where am I ?

When am I ?

Where am I ?

When am I ?

Where am I ?

Who am I ?


Any-body there?

Monday, June 15, 2015

Who We Are

Aren't we just looking around
In this vast world of impressions

Aren't we just the point of focus
Never seeing the whole picture

Aren't we just a single point 
of everlasting infinity

I don't really know
But my Guess
is "I think so"

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Enjoy Life

It's so easy
Enjoy Life
Right Now!

It's gone
Never see you again

Oh, HIGH again, 
New Beautiful Moment!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Be Godly (Or: Interaction is the Juice of Life)

be my guide, your face, image will fill me up with energy, my friends, family, are all praying for me and wish me luck, nothing can go wrong, only numbers, never known but aligning in other dimensions. mosquito bites itching me along, but never killing me off, and the sexless life of a monk is fruitless and never to be repeated because interaction is the juice of life, small groups getting together inspiring each other, no school nor church nor authoritative father or emperor, not even a ruler god, nor a clockmaking passive god, but god the creation itself and we are the creation too. We are the maker being made by ourselves into ourselves shining upon ourselves to rejoice all together in this timeless spaceless form of dynamism. Be yourself like any god does. Unworrying, happy, in tune with reality and bliss. Shout and be silent, meaninglessness that fulfills you so much.

"I say there is no God, but there is godliness. So I destroy God as a person. He becomes more like a fragrance than a flower."

The Intricate Meaning of Life

Listen To Me
Never believe me

Come see my face
Book my flight
To Know Where
Where the apples are
greener than pink
and sweeter than
real apples

Imagine a World with no sorrow
All alone in the mist of

Climbing into the abyss
Forgotten yourself
Revising life
and pulling through
into a new unknown world

Where nothing is real
but all is happy
and happening

never let go