Monday, June 8, 2015

Be Godly (Or: Interaction is the Juice of Life)

be my guide, your face, image will fill me up with energy, my friends, family, are all praying for me and wish me luck, nothing can go wrong, only numbers, never known but aligning in other dimensions. mosquito bites itching me along, but never killing me off, and the sexless life of a monk is fruitless and never to be repeated because interaction is the juice of life, small groups getting together inspiring each other, no school nor church nor authoritative father or emperor, not even a ruler god, nor a clockmaking passive god, but god the creation itself and we are the creation too. We are the maker being made by ourselves into ourselves shining upon ourselves to rejoice all together in this timeless spaceless form of dynamism. Be yourself like any god does. Unworrying, happy, in tune with reality and bliss. Shout and be silent, meaninglessness that fulfills you so much.

"I say there is no God, but there is godliness. So I destroy God as a person. He becomes more like a fragrance than a flower."

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