Thursday, April 22, 2021

9/11 is fake. What else?


So I listened to David Icke, Daniele Ganser, Underground Blogs & Podcasts like "Red Ice Radio". For Hours, Days, Weeks...

Let's come back to the Present. Or to 2016, when Trump - The Rich & Funny TV-Star - became President. If you watched Infowars, you always knew everything you needed to know. The spicy Podesta-Hillary Clinton-Emails leaked by Wikileaks.

Now Assange is in a British Prison. Game Over for Truth?

But Assange showed us all how to FIGHT Corruption & Terrorism from the Rich, from the State and its Police, from the biggest Corporations and its Talking Heads. Just keep leaking it via Social Media. Drop by Drop.

The Butterfly Effect.

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