Sunday, April 25, 2021

Stricker TV - Swiss Podcast Leader of the Brave


A Swiss Entrepreneur, Tesla Driver and Cat Lover has become a Media Sensation in the Swiss Podcast Scene. Why, oh why? Because Switzerland is still caught in a Stupid, Fascist, Totalitarian, State-Hygiene-Police-Dictatorship, and one lone wolf had the idea from the very beginning of this Corona Pandemic (over a year ago) to educate and activate the masses - from his Kitchen table, via Youtube, Telegram and Locals. You don't believe me? Yesterday, Daniel Stricker, the founder of the most popular Anti-Corona-Measures Podcast - called Stricker TV - was ordered by the Police to leave the Demonstration where 4000 peaceful Protesters in Rapperswil/ Switzerland were celebrating Freedom with loud Cowbells. So why was Daniel Stricker singled out & escorted out by the Police?  Maybe because he's the most effective leader of an intelligent political movement that is totally against the destruction of our Economy, our Liberal Rights, against mandatory masking & vaccinating? 

His Youtube live-streams, anger filled unscripted Podcast outbursts & rantings on the one hand, but also his cool statistical analyses on the other hand, plus the epic Joe Rogan-style over-3-hour interviews have quickly reached cult status. Let's hope his truthfulness will also reach new fans in the police force. Because Stricker TV is not only extremely popular but also very symbolic of Switzerland's original idea: Fuck off Foreign Forces! We like to rule our own lives. We don't need any arrogant king from above. Liberty we Love. And Daniel Stricker keeps singing "... o'er the Land of the Free & the Home of the Brave"!!


>>Straight to Stricker TV (please copy paste the links)





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