Monday, April 19, 2021

Conspiracy Porn - Addiction of The Year 2020

by David Jerome Putnam

2020 was a weird year. In short, we were in a so-called "lockdown", because of a so-called "pandemic". My internet addiction increased and reached a climax in the Summer of 2020, when I believed a silly Business Guru called Brian Rose. Brian Rose, you asshole, give me back my hope.

But the story actually started 10 years earlier, when a Psychology Student Friend kept sending me links to a Blog explaining every detail about 9/11. I was totally not interested in Terrorism, Geo-Politics and so-called "Conspiracy Theories", back then. I was a movie buff and watched at least a movie per day. Usually an Arthouse Movie. I even sacrificed almost a decade at the University to learn about International Film History & Narratology, the Study of Storytelling. 10 years later, I could use every bit of Storytelling Techniques to understand all the Propaganda Techniques I encountered in Mass Media, in Real time; AND in the Conspiracy Community. 

To be continued...

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