Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Unfulfilled Energy Goes Dark

 by David Jerome Putnam

10 years ago, I graduated from University with a good Master's Degree in Humanities. And my Parents were proud and I thought it should be easy now. But no one - not a single Employer - was waiting for me. My skills: Japanese? Who cares! English? Everyone can speak English. Film & Art Theory? Fuck off! So I wasted my time on Internet Porn, unemployed.

Youtube & Twitter were still very small 10 years ago. Facebook was already big and the discussions were slowly heating up. Why aren't Psychedelics legal, even though it has been proven, with hard science, that they can heal much better than Big Pharma products?? Wait, is Big Pharma blackmailing the Media, the Politicians, right AND left. And even Academia? What else have we been lied about? JFK, 9/11, Pearl Harbor, ... and then I found Daniele Ganser, the Swiss Historian who got fired from the University for talking about Building 7.... Be Continued...

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